My name is Rory and I am a graphic designer, illustrator, motion graphics designer and general guy wot makes stuff.

Some of the things I do:
- Branding (logos, typography, colours etc.)
- Graphic Design (print, digital, brochures, ppt decks – you name it *)
- Illustration (editorial, spot, banners, etc.)
- Motion Graphics (infographics, titles, lower thirds, animation etc.)
- Painting (murals, canvases, chickens, commissions etc.)
- Video Editing
- Audio production (mostly drum and bass haha)
- Dog photography**
If you think my services could be of use to you or your business, why not drop me a line, using my client intake form 👇
Alternatively, my DMs are always open on my social media
*not Word, I’m afraid. I have my scruples.
** Just my dog though